Christmas morning began as any other... our reliable, little 5:30 alarm went off, Mom and Dad laid exhausted in bed as that same little alarm climbed, crawled, and shook in a relentless search for someone to play with, and then, whether we liked it or not... we were up. Memories of Christmases past flooded back when Aiden and Mom were forced to wait with anticipation in the bedroom while Dad prepared the video camera. And then he was off... toddling to what he assumed was the all-to-familiar basket of toys in the living room, only to be met with a strange pile of penguin-paper-covered lumps. While he appeared more than content to play with his gifts in their concealed form, eventually Mom and Dad helped him peel the mysterious paper covering and watched his intent expression turn to joy as he discovered the rattling, wheeling, musical toys within.
More important, and definitely more lasting, than the presents this Christmas was treasured time with family. While Christmas morning was spent as our own little family, Aiden shared Christmas celebrations with Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and friends. While he smiled at the new toys, he lit up under the attention and love of those nearest and dearest in his young life.
While we pray that one day Aiden will understand the true meaning of Christmas, I think it's a step in the right direction that he never grabbed, banged, or in any other way attempted to destroy our single Christmas decoration ... a small nativity consisting of Mary, Joseph, and of course, Jesus. He may not be quoting scripture or feeding the homeless, but as anyone with an energetic one-year-old boy can attest, this tiny gesture is perhaps our own little Christmas miracle!
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